
Here are some of my most impressive projects. Most of them have dedicated pages that go into further detail.


My college football analysis project, Pygskin, uses Python and the College Football Data API to predict play calls, rank teams, and explain conference alignment. This includes analysis of specific cooaches' playcalling tendencies and my attempts to replicate them with machine learning.

Coach DeBoer Playcalling Analysis

Coach DeBoer is the new head football coach for The University of Alabama. This makes him a fitting example for my Pygskin coach analysis. I've analyzed his playcalling tendencies and attempted to replicate them with machine learning models.

Playcalling Tendencies Machine Learning Predictions

College Football Conference Analysis

As an avid college football fan, I'm disappointed by recent conference realignments. As a part of my Pygskin project, I used Python and data analysis techniques such as clustering and visualization to demonstrate the absurdity of conference geography in the 2024 football season.

College Football Computer Rankings

Another part of my Pygskin project involves implementing various computer ranking systems for college football teams. I started with the Colley Matrix, one of the original Bowl Championship Series (BCS) polls. I used this project as practice for API usage and data structure implementation.

Engineered Wood Products Manufacturing Scheduling Application

During my time at SmartLam North America, I've written a desktop app using Python and PyQt6. This application automatically generates production schedules for engineered wood products based on a customer's order. We use this tool to set up our production of hundreds of thousands of dollars of product weekly.

Image Classification with a Conventional Neural Network

I used my experience with machine learning to create an ML model to classify images as Pokemon or Digimon. I've converted the neural network to operate in a web browser using JavaScript, which is linked above. You can find more information in the Identifymon GitHub repository.

Resume Conversion Software

I developed a simple app for SWJ Technology that converts Indeed-style resumes into the company's preferred Word format. The program is 90% accurate, which means users typically just need to edit down the amount of content included, making the contract worker hiring process very simple.